Free Gas for Cleaning Services

Right now, who doesn’t want to fill up their gas tank by saving money from other expenses. For a cleaning service, we know that there is a lot of money spent on products. One obvious example is buying Windex Glass and Surface Cleaner at roughly $20 to $22 per gallon.

If your cleaning service buys 32 gallons of Windex Glass and Multisurface Cleaner would be over $640. But, we see a better way to get a quality product for cleaning glass and surfaces.

At, our DB Glass and Surface Cleaner is less than $2 per gallon. SB Glass and Surface Cleaner is $69.95 for three 2L bottles of concentrate. Mix 1 ounce per gallon of water that makes a quart for about 38 cents.

Every case of SB Glass Cleaner makes 384 quarts of RTU glass and surface cleaner. And, it is very, very good glass and surface cleaner.

Every liter of SB Glass and Surface Cleaner makes 32 gallons of product.


32 Gallons of Windex Glass and Surface Cleaner is about $640 … plus shipping

32 Gallons of SB Glass and Surface Cleaner is a maximum cost of $69.95

Savings is $560 of Saved Money

At $5/gal of gas, you can pay for 122 gallons of gas!!

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Better Glass Cleaner