Join our national campaign to Make America Green Again

Help us create a wave of public awareness that is fueled by the participation of hundreds and thousands of participating businesses, services, product providers, building operators, and organizations of all types. Your $100 helps us build a national awareness campaign that enlists the efforts of thousands across our nation.

Your $100 donation is deductible as a business expense for marketing. The fee is $100, but we invite you to add fuel to the fire by making a more meaningful donation of $250, $500, or $1000. (Your choice) This will allow our team to make this more than a good idea but a national campaign that actually benefits all of our supporters. Thanks for your support! Regardless of your donation, which is a minimum of $100, all donations are given full access & support.

Promoting the Make America Green Again program.

As the owners of your own registered Make America Green Again logo, please think of this as a greater cause that reflects favorably on you and your program; but also provides marketing leverage. You can post this logo on your website, marketing material, decals, and more; but think bigger!

Turn on your imagination to create your own story around this popular concept. You and your organization are investing in practical and meaningful ways to restore the health of a nation. We will offer guidance about how to make this your story that goes beyond mere advertising. Let it be known that you are stepping up to make a meaningful difference to the health of America and Americans.

Right now, Americans are out of shape, consuming toxic food, breathing toxic air, and using toxic products. And our health, particularly the health of our children, is well below other advanced countries. And, this all happens in small, incremental steps. We will also recover in small incremental steps. That makes you and your service, workplace, products, or processes part of the problem … or part of the solution.

We are asking you, your business, or your community to create “A Million Ways to Restore a Healthy America where Health is a deliberate Choice.”