A Clean Building is not always a Healthy Building, but a Healthy Building is always a Green Building

Green Cleaning Products
The Green Clean Institute has declared for over fifteen years the importance of incremental Green improvements. This includes a concern that the better, Green tools and products. It also includes training your workers to be Green Cleaning Technicians.

Green Buyer’s Guide
The Truth in Labeling system is understood as a “Consumer Confidence” by taking the place of a consumer to ask critical questions that validates the claims and advertising of the manufacturer or service.

Green Product Certification
Green Product Certification can be 90% hype or 100% real. The Green Clean Institute is one of the most reliable and honest Green Product Certification anywhere. GCI invites any company to consider our “Truth in Labeling” standard that acts as a consumer review for the integrity of claims as well as Eco-Safe ingredients.

AXI Saves Wasted Fuel
The AXI system is particularly valuable to any facility that stores fuel (gas or diesel). Any time fuel is stored, it will begin to break down and become a kind of sludge. If untreated, the fuel can clog and ruin the engines used to supply power to hospitals, government buildings, schools, and even emergency response systems.

CoverTec Floor Products
Floor care is an aesthetic influence for every building. A smart decision about floor care can save money and make the building a much better experience for workers and customers.