Green Building Certification

The Green Clean Institute introduced the Green & Healthy Building Partnership (GHBP) almost six years ago as a respectable and affordable way to encourage buildings and cities to install a valid program in any community.

In a stalled economy, paying $50k or more for a Green building certification is foolish. While programs like LEED are focused on the construction of the building, the GHBP project is focused on the maintenance and constant effort to create a safe & healthy workplace.

Rather than building materials, we look at the maintenance issue that will eventually compromise even a Green-built building. We see ONE MAJOR ISSUE that reveals the health-impact of any building. That is the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). We have all been in some very health-hostile buildings. How about smoke-filled casinos or bowling alleys back in the day.

Using the GHBP checklist, we enlist the cleaning or maintenance people to accurately check off the list of routine items that we know affect the Green or Health conditions of the building. Every item has a point assignment which allows non-certified buildings to gradually move up to GHBP certification level. The same checklist shows the improvement year-to-year by increasing the point level and reach new levels of compliance.

Learn More about the GHBP Program


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